Shade Loving Plants
Great Variety of Shade Lovers
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Arrow Head Plant
Size: 0.15 x 0.20m
Arrowhead Plants prefers bright indirect light but are able to generally adapt to low light. It’s best to water until liquid flows through the drainage hole at the bottom, and ensure to discard any water that has accumulated in the saucer. Generally a great indoor and outdoor choice.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Bamboo / Grass Plant
Size: H 0.20 β 0.30m
Natural Golden Chinese Bamboo/Grass Plant – Decorate Both Indoor And Outdoor, Air Purifying and a Good Luck Plant
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Bushclock Vine
Price 0. 40m. (H)
Bush clockvine is also known as Thunbergia erecta. Clockvines typically are so named because they grow in a clockwise manner around fence posts or trellises.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Calathea Medallion ΰΈ₯ΰΈ²ΰΈ’ΰΈ«ΰΈ²ΰΈΰΈΰΈΰΈ’ΰΈΉΰΈ
Size: H 0.20 β 0.30m
Calathea Medallion is a tropical plant & prefers an environment with higher humidity. Calathea Medallion prefers temperature between 65-85 degrees. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. Water every 5 days depending on light and temperature. Itβs best to rotate these plants often to maintain uniform growth.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Versatile Indoor and Outdoor Plant,Always a Welcome Gift,Small but Beautuful
Calathea rufibarba – Velvet Calathea
Size: H 0.20 β 0.30m
Bright, indirect sunlight is best for this plant. No direct sun, which will cause brown scorch marks on its leaves. Soil should be lightly moist; donβt allow it to dry out.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Versatile Indoor and Outdoor Plant,Always a Welcome Gift,Small but Beautuful
Celosia plumosa Glorious Pink
Price for 20 cm Plant (Height). Celosia should be planted in full sun (they require at least 6-8 hours of sunlight) and well-draining soil (preferably at a pH of 6.0-6.5). Celosia doesn’t like to have wet feet, so avoid overwatering.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Celosia Plumosa Glorious Yellow
Price for 20 cm Plant (Height). Celosia prefer full sun and well-drained soil. They can be started from seed or from cuttings.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Chinese Evergreen Plant
size H 50-60 cm. (PRICE)
Chinese Evergreen prefer moderate watering. Allow the plant to dry out some between watering. Fertilize older plants once or twice yearly.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Price for 25cm Plant (Height)
Crossostephium chinensis (L.) (CC) Makino is a common traditional Chinese medicinal plant used to dehumidify and cure rheumatism and arthralgia. This plant prefers full sun exposure, but it can also tolerate partial shade.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Devils Ivy Plant
Size 0.70 – 1.0m Height (PRICE)
Devil’s Ivy enjoys light areas, but best located not in direct sunlight. The paler the leaves, the more light the plant needs.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Shade Loving Plant, Great Tropical Loo
Graffiti Pink Pentas
Price for 15cm Plant (Height) – Pink and White Pentas thrive in flower beds and pots that receive full sun. They will tolerate some shade but can become thin and leggy without at least three hours of bright light a day.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Homalomena Rubescens – King of Heart
Homalomena houseplants are an easy indoor plant to grow with unique and shapely leaf collaborations. The Homalomena rubescens is a plant from the Alocasia and Philodendron family.
Price for 15cm Plant (Height)
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Inch Plant
Inch plant likes bright indirect light and well-drained soil that is moist. They tend to thrive under high humidity. They will tolerate low light for a time, but they prefer brighter locations.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Ixora Dwarf Yellow
Price for 15cm Plant (Height). With proper sunlight, this beautiful plant can grow about two feet high. For this plant, too much sun isn’t a problem.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Juniperus horizontalis – Creeping Juniper
Size 25 cm. (H)
This lovely looking creeping shrub is drought and salt tolerant, and grows well in coastal conditions. It prefers full sun and tolerates hot weather, moderately poor soils, and many air pollutants found in urban areas. Creeping juniper grows up to 50-60 cm height.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Million Hearts
Million Hearts Plant (Dischidia ruscifolia) are great decoration and balcony fillers. Water thoroughly but allow the soil to dry between watering. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every three months.
Price for 15cm Plant (Height)
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Mini Mondo Grass
Mondo grass grows well in ordinary garden soil, requiring minimum attention. The grasses are adaptable, and can thrive in filtered sun to full shade but prefer moist soil. Plants growing in the shade have dark green leaves.
Price for 10cm Plant (Height)
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Nerium Oleander (White)
Nerium Orleander are drought-tolerant, they look their best when they are watered during dry spells. They are great looking plants, but it should be known that consuming oleander leaf, has led to poisonings, so handle with care.
Price for 25cm Plant (Height)
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Panama Rose
Price 0. 40m. (H)
The Panama Rose does best in full sun to partial shade. It prefers to grow in average to moist conditions, and shouldn’t be allowed to dry out.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Pink Picotee Butterfly Flower
Pink Picotee has pink flowers that hover atop dark green wand-like stems. Each flowering stem adds blooms, continuously to the end of the spike. As time goes on, the flowering stems can get rather long and tangled.
Price for 30cm Plant (Height)
Light Requirement: Moderate sunlight
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Pink Quill Air Plant – Tillandsia Cyanea
Size:H 0.20 β 0.30m
Bright, indirect light is needed to grow and bloom for this plant. For watering, spray with water until leaves are thoroughly wet, 2-3 times a week. The water that runs off should be enough to wet the roots. Do not soak base of the plant.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Low Maintenance ,Bright and Varied Colours,Indoor and Outdoor Suitable
Plectranthus scutellarioides L
Plectranthus scutellarioides is an aromatic, evergreen perennial plant with erect stems. It can grow 50 – 150cm tall. It is often grown as an ornamental in gardens and as a pot plant in cooler climates; there is a wide range of cultivated forms.
Price for 30cm Plant (Height)
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Rabbit’s Foot – Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana
Size: H 0.20 β 0.30m
The Red Prayer Plant is an easy plant generally βplace it in a sunny spot, keep it’s soil damp, and mist it’s leaves once a week and it will flourish.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Versatile Indoor and Outdoor Plant,Always a Welcome Gift,Small but Beautuful
Rhipsalis ramulosa – Red Coral
Red Rhipsalis does best with morning sun and full shade in the afternoon. As Rhipsalis is commonly grown indoors, care must be given to the placement of the plants. Kept 50 cm away from windows that receive afternoon sun.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Rose Painted Calathea – Calathea roseopicta Silvia
Size: H 0.20 β 0.30m – Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. Water every 5 days depending on light and temperature. For soil, and all purpose commercial potting mix. It’s best to rotate these plants often to maintain uniform growth.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Versatile Indoor and Outdoor Plant,Always a Welcome Gift,Small but Beautuful
Zinnia (Red)
Price for 15 cm Plant (Height)
Zinnias grow and flower best in full sun. They can flower in part shade, especially in the Thai climate and with afternoon shade, but they may be more susceptible to disease and have fewer flowers. They grow best on fertile, well-drained soils high in organic matter.
Light Requirement: Full sunlight
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Pink Syngonium
Size:H 0.15 x 0.20m – Pink Syngonium likes bright indirect light and well-drained soil that is moist. Also thrive under high humidity, a temperature range of 60-85oF (15-30oC). Prune lower leaves to maintain appearance.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Scindapsus Aureus
Size:H 0.15 x 0.20m (PRICE)
Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light. Water Ok every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry between watering.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Velvet Philodendron
Size: H0.15 x 0.20m (PRICE)
Prefers moderate light conditions. Light watering is best. Well draining soil is also advised.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Golden Pothos – Devil’s Ivy
Size: H 0.15 x 0.20m (PRICE)
Golden Pothos is a versatile plant that can tolerate the lower light levels or bright filtered light of a home Indoor Golden Pothos prefers bright filtered light during most of the year.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Versatile and Low Maintenance,Suitable for Indoor and Outdoor,Compact Size
Sweet Heart Plant – Philodendron Brazil
Size: H 0.15 x 0.20m (PRICE)
Plant Feed Once every month during growing season. Water every 5 to 7 days depending on light and temperature.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Prefers Filtered Bright Light,Indoor and Outdoor Suitable,Perfect for Gift or Loved One
Monstera – Window Leaf Plant
Size:H 0.15 x 0.20m (PRICE)
Best to balance between sun and shade. If Monstera is given too much sun, the leaves will yellow. Water Monstera evenly about once a week.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Indoor and Outdoor Suitable,Decorative and Versatile Plant,Popular as a Gift
Peperomia Obtusifolia
Size:H 0.15 x 0.20m (PRICE)
The Peperomia obtusifolia prefers & does best in bright natural light. It is a generally very low maintenance house plant.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Suited to Indoor or Outdoor Use.,Great as Stand alone or Grouped.,Compact Size
Size:H 0.15 x 0.20 m (PRICE)
Polyscias Fabian prefers moderate to bright, indirect light but can adapt to shade. Avoid direct sunlight. Prefers moderate to high humidity levels.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Prefers Humid Environments,Versatile Indoor and Outdoor Plant,Very Decorative Foliage
Boat Lily
Size: 0.15 x 0.20m
Plant in a peat based soil and plant prefers bright light. If kept outdoors in the summer provide it with some later day shade cover.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Size:H 0.15 x 0.20m (PRICE)
Croton plants develop their best colours when exposed to bright light, although they will tolerate medium light indoors.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Maidenhair Fern
Size: H 0.20 – 0.40m
Maidenhair Ferns are hardy ferns, rather than tropical ferns. They prefer consistently moist. Should be pruned back to maintain its soft leafy appearance.
Light Requirement:Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Suitable Indoor and Outdoor,Amazing Foliage and Decorative,Options on Size
Peace Lily
Size: H 0.20 – 0.40m
Place plants in bright, indirect light. Use Indoor Potting Mix for great results. Peace Lilies prefer soil consistently moist.
Light Requirement:Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Wonderful Decorative Foliage,Great when Grouped Together
Anthurium – Flamingo Flower
Size: H 0.20 – 0.40m
Sometimes known as the βflamingo flowerβ for their vibrant waxy colours, anthuriums are tropical plants. In correct conditions, anthuriums can bloom year round, with each bloom lasting between 2-3 months.
Light Requirement:Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Wonderful Decorative Foliage,Great when Grouped Together
Size: H 0.30 – 0.50m
The Aglaonema is an excellent indoor plant for low light areas with beautiful patterned leaves. This popular plant cleans air by absorbing carbon monoxide and benzene.
Light Requirement:Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Wonderful Decorative Foliage,Great when Grouped Together
Air Purifier,Amazing Colours,Options on Size
Philodendron Xandau
Size: H 0.30 – 0.50m
Xanadu takes anything from full sun to full shade. Can be kept as an indoor plant, where it should do well if not over watered. However, more attractive if left outside in sun.
Light Requirement:Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Wonderful Decorative Foliage,Great when Grouped Together
Stromanthe Triostar
Size: H 0.20 – 0.30m
Stromanthe Triostar prefers medium to bright indirect light. The brighter indirect light the plant receives, the more variegation you will see on the leaves. Never expose it to direct sunlight.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Wonderful Tropical Foliage,Indoor and Outdoor Suitable,Options on Size
Calathea Lancifolia
Size: H 0.20 – 0.30m
Bright, indirect sunlight is best for this plant. No direct sun, which will cause brown scorch marks on its leaves. Soil should be lightly moist; don’t allow it to dry out.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Versatile Indoor and Outdoor Plant,Always a Welcome Gift,Small but Beautuful
Peacock Plant – Calathea makoyana
Size: H 0.20 – 0.30m
Peacock Plant needs bright, indirect sunlight and high humidity. Water when the soil surface starts to dry,
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Indoor and Outdoor Suitable, Amazing Leaf Colours, Perfect for Gifts / Occasions
Bromeliad (type 1)
Size:H 0.20 – 0.30m
Able to grow in the full range of light conditions from full sun to partial shade. Often become solid green if they are given too much shade.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Bromeliad (type 2)
Size:H 0.20 – 0.30m
Able to grow in the full range of light conditions from full sun to partial shade. Often become solid green if they are given too much shade.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Low Maintenance ,Bright and Varied Colours,Indoor and Outdoor Suitable
Bromeliad (type 3)
Size: H 0.20 – 0.30m
Able to grow in the full range of light conditions from full sun to partial shade. Often become solid green if they are given too much shade.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Low Maintenance, Bright and Varied Colours,Indoor and Outdoor Suitable
Bromeliad (type 4)
Size:H 0.20 – 0.30m
Able to grow in the full range of light conditions from full sun to partial shade. Often become solid green if they are given too much shade.
Light Requirement: Medium
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Low Maintenance ,Bright and Varied Colours,Indoor and Outdoor Suitable