This Thai garden plan could be used for a number of garden spaces. In this case, the purpose behind the design is for the pond to act as a excess run off 'catch all', with the overflow pipe of the pond connected to existing drains. During periods of heavy rain, this excess (unwanted) water is channelled away from the garden.
Legend: 1. Shade Structure, for Dining / 2. Meandering Sleeper Pathway across Rock Garden / 3. Waterfall 1 / 4. Planter boxes / 5. Raised Deck housing Pond Filter / 6. House Terrace in Sandwash / 7. Waterfall 2 and location of overflow
The pond, although designed to deal with excess run-off, can also be used as a koi pond or general fish pond as the filter means the water will stay clean (the filter can be designed and tweaked separately). Generally, the garden is extremely low maintenance, being that there is no grass, and with the rock gardens being constructed with plastic underlay, helping to speed run off and draining of water.
The waterfalls will add to the calming effect of the garden, and a low maintenance planting plan, with lots of colour and differing foliage, will add up to what will be a fantastic jungle garden scene, close by to the home, and easy to access and enjoy everyday.
If you are in Thailand and are in need of garden ideas and tropical garden designs, email for a chat about your visions and ideas for your landscape in Thailand.