Your garden in Thailand can benefit from an irrigation (sprinkler) system.
Plants, trees and grass will thrive with the extra water. Also, if you have a local water source nearby (a klong, stream or lake) you can possibly tap into these sources to keep bills low.
(senior members of the Pornchai team install a new line) Many different sprinkler options are available, from more manual systems to fully integrated automatic timer systems. All parts of the landscape can be be fully watered, from large expanses of lawn, to hideaway nooks, planter boxes and outside areas.
All heads and pipework can be masked and blended into the landscape.
Hard to access areas can easily be included in the design, ensuring the entire garden is covered. The team are also expert at installing stand-alone water tanks, pumps, pipework and associated electrical requirements, plus, offer advice on best practice and general maintenance.
Installing a sprinkler system for your Thai garden can greatly reduce time / effort when watering the garden, and the set-up is probably cheaper than you think. If you're interested in irrigation for your landscape, email or call 080 655 8110 to discuss your ideas.
I’ve installed a dozen or so irrigations systems in the U.S. Where would one go here in Thailand to get an automatic 8-9 station timer?