Different Types of Bamboo

Bamboo comes in many different colours and sizes, and the term 'bamboo' covers a number of different genera which all belong to the grass family Gramineae.

The varieties and properties of the many different types of bamboo are incredibly varied, although there are some common behaviours,, most grow in full or partial shade atop of cane structures that also come in different colours and thicknesses.

The larger versions of bamboo are generally unsuitable for smaller domestic gardens being that they grow too large and can have invasive roots, as well as require continuous maintenance due to leaf dropping. However, in larger gardens and landscapes, the presence of bamboo is a desirable due to their ornamental nature and decorative contribution to any tropical environment.

Here are some pictures of some of the different types of bamboo that are attainable in Thailand.

1. Bamboo Sulphurea (phyllostachys sulphurea)

bamboo sulphurea

2. Bamboo Vulgaris

bamboo vulgaris

3. Atroviolacea (Black Bamboo)

bamboo plants

The three examples above are just a tiny sample of available bamboo types in Thailand, there are many more. If you are interested in using bamboo in your Thai garden, email ben@thaigardendesign.com for more information.

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