Thai Garden Design were asked by a customer to come up with a way to provide more parking space under his carport for his motorcycle. Some unwanted shrubs separated the carport from the house and the customer indicated that he would like for this to be disposed of to provide the required space and access.
Our landscape team removed the hedge and laid a concrete foundation. They then applied a silver sandwash that matched the existing finish on the adjoining path. They also recreated the inset pattern of the path so that the new parking area would blend in more completely and sloped the new slab so as to improve drainage away from the house.
(pic above: taken after downpour) The result was successful, with the new concrete blending well with the existing structure and which, over time, will age to an even closer match. In addition our client is able to park his motorcycle out of the rain. If you are interested in any garden designs or installation for your plot in thailand, call 083 885 9304 or email