Sometimes known as the dragon's blood tree (due to it's red sap), dracaena draco belongs to the genus draco, which consists of 40 species, the majority of which are native to the Canary Islands and Morocco.
A slow growing, evergreen tree, they have stiff sword shaped grey / blue green leaves and will rarely grow above 6 metres.
Having originated in the rocky mountain ranges of Canary Islands, Madeira, and Cape Verde, they are very well suited to growing around and in-between tropical rock gardens and rockeries, and are also very drought tolerant, requiring warm-temperate to sub-tropical conditions to thrive.
They provide excellent landscape decoration for around the outskirts of garden perimeters and households.
This plant also has white small flowers but I don’t think they are fragrant like the dracaena fragrans.
This plant provides excellent landscape decoration for around the outskirts of garden perimeters and households.