Thai flowers – Brugmansia Candida

brugmansia candida thai flower The Brugmansia Candida, or 'White Angels Trumpet' is a popular perennial, easily distinguished by their unusual hanging flowers, hence the nick-name. The flowers are usually white, although can also be found in pink, yellow, orange and red. They have a distinctive and pleasant scent.

Native to the sub tropical regions on South America, the Brugmansia genus are actually large shrubs or small trees, reaching heights of 4-11 metres in height. They are quite poisonous if ingested, and admirers should be careful that they don't come into contact with eyes.

They flower in mid to late spring and grow easily in good, moist soil in either full sun or partial shade.

2 thoughts on “Thai flowers – Brugmansia Candida”

  1. I love your blog. I can’t wait to read more. I have a blog myself that attempts to inspire people. I would like to exchange links with you. Let me know if this is possible.

  2. I used to have a wide selection of Brugmansia in Africa and later in Indonesia. I miss that great aroma, big flowers et all.
    Do you have plants for sale – or can you possibly tell me where I can look for plant?
    I live near Pattaya.

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